Motherhood Intended

When Trying to Conceive Becomes Stressful

Jacqueline Baird/Megan Weisman Season 2 Episode 46

Jacqueline is joined by her sister, Megan, to chat about how trying to conceive can become STRESSFUL. Whether it's your first child or your third, the path to baby isn't always easy-breezy. Take a listen as they discuss their experiences and leave some helpful tips to keep you calm while trying to conceive.

In this episode you'll hear...

  • Megan's experience TTC (trying to conceive) a sibling for her son
  • Jacqueline's reflection on her TTC journey
  • How to stay calm and confident when struggling to conceive (especially during the holidays!)

--> Grab this *FREE* Month-by-Month Roadmap to Your Fertility Success!

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In the New Year, Jacqueline is launching a resource for women who feel stuck in their fertility. Stay tuned for details, but 2024 is sure to bring a confident and calm new you!

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Hey, thanks for joining me in a new episode of Motherhood Intended. I'm super excited today to welcome back my sister Megan to the show. But first, we're going to kick off this episode with your Fertility Fact of the Week.

Here on the podcast, we are often talking to women about women's fertility. We are always talking about that side of things. It's 50 50, everybody. It takes two people, egg and sperm, to create a baby. So, your Fertility Fact of the Week is ways that men can boost their fertility.

Men can manage their stress, avoid alcohol and tobacco, It's important to maintain a proper weight, and eating a diet high in zinc, which is found in meat, whole grains, seafood, eggs, selenium, which is found in meat, seafood, mushroom cereals, Brazil nuts, and vitamin E is super important. And also, it's important to stay away from  long hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, all of these things can reduce the number of sperm.

So if you've been trying to conceive for a while, whether it's your first, your second, or your third child, remind your partner that it takes two to tango.

And if you've been trying for a while and you've already started diving into fertility treatments, maybe you're dabbling with Clomid or thinking about doing an IUI,

most doctors will always start with the woman and testing everything, you know, blood panels on you, ultrasounds on you. But it's important, in my opinion, to do a quick sample of Your partner as well, because 50 percent of all infertility is due to male factor. It is split 50 50, ladies and gentlemen, so don't forget about the guys too.

Okay, so today my sister and I are going to be talking about how trying to conceive can become stressful. Obviously, I have a long road and a long history of all sorts of infertility treatments and loss and IVF and all the things, but for a lot of people, just trying to conceive the natural way can become a very big pain point.

If it  not happening right away, It can cause some serious stress, which doesn't help anybody.

So take a listen.

Hey, Megan. Welcome back to the podcast. 

Thank you. I've been waiting for, for my next time. I've just been sitting here. Why don't you invite me? I know it's the third time and I'm, yeah, I'm excited. 

I know. It's crazy. I've had you on. Yeah. Third time for sure. And it's feels like it's almost every quarter and I think we should keep that going. I like it. 

Put it on the calendar. Thank you. For sure.

For sure. So today, yeah. We are talking about the stressors of trying to conceive and the things that we just did not know when we started trying to conceive. I mean,  the boys are five and a half and almost four. Silas is four and Almost four.

It's not four yet. Come on. 

No, wrong. Silas is not four. He is three and a, we'll say three and a half. I don't know. We do half ages in this house. Like it's going out of style. Like, I kind of regret that. I think I used to be excited when they were little, like babies. I'm like, Oh, one and a half birthday.

But now like three and up, I'm like, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Like they keep aging themselves. And I'm like, let's just Right. 

I just use the half in conversation because I feel better than saying, Oh, he's almost four. Yeah. Yeah. 

Yeah, totally. But anyway, I mean, we've been through some things.  So for those listening who are wanting to start a family, listen to our experiences and we'll kind of, uh, go from there and then at the end of the episode, I will share some things to keep in mind when  trying to conceive. 

But to start off, how's your start of, I'll call it the school year, because that's what we do now. How's the start of the school year, fall? 

Yeah, so start was good. We were very happy to, I'm sure everybody else was as well, you know, get them into school. Long summer, fun summer, but long summer.

Yes, so been going well. It's been like night and day for Silas as far as his first year at preschool and his second year. Now he's like a leader of the pack. And, you know, takes on all those confidence and responsibilities. Um, it's beautiful to see. but yeah, now that we're getting into the colder months.

It's not even that cold yet, it's funny. We're all freezing right now because I know dropped dropped from 80 degrees to like a high. Yeah, right. But you know, come a month or two now, 50 degrees, it's gonna feel like 80 degrees. Exactly. But yeah, the sickness has started. We actually August I know your kids were or at least one of your kids were hit too. On our family. Okay, we got that amazing stomach bug that just like started knocking everyone out. Mhm. 

Yeah, God forbid  we all tried to get together for one last summer. Hoorah. 

However, the stomach bug did allow us to, be at the entire vacation and then it didn't hit until we were all leaving.

True. That was the silver lining. Yeah. At least we enjoyed it. And then like half the family went down. 

Right. Right.  I hope that never happens again. That was the worst. But yeah,  now we're getting the cold sicknesses. 

Which is so funny because  all summer, we're like, okay, it's nice. Right? Like you said, summer's fun. Summer's great. But then we're like, no, but like, is it time for school again? And like getting back into a better routine, um, only to have them home half the time with colds. So that's fun. Good times. 

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It's funny how these things work,  I took some time off,  from work on Thursday and Friday and Monday.


We were gonna go camping, you know, Dan's gonna work in the weekend, so, you know, those are his days off, so we were gonna do some fun things together. And then, like the universe,  does what it does,  yeah, Silas 6, starting Thursday. Yeah. So, my PTO was spent with a... Sick child and just, you know, trying to get there.

That is how it works. That's how it works. As you know, we saw each other briefly on Saturday and I was like, we're going to do fun fall activities all weekend. It's going to be great. And then I was like, okay, Monday, they have a school. We're going to go do something fun. And yeah, no, same.

We're just laying low. But I will say it's actually kind of nice. boring and not what I But I haven't had to be anywhere, everything was canceled, therapies, activities, school, the last two days. So I'm like, honestly,  it's kind of nice.  I haven't left the house. Yeah, nice little break, but not fun when they're not feeling well.

Yeah. And you gotta remember, my child doesn't have a built in friend at home, so I am his friend. Very different. Very different. Yeah, so we did get, you know, I got an hour or two here there to make some organizing happen at our house. But again, I had to try and make that fun for the whole group so I could actually get that done. But yeah 

valid point. It does help most days when I have both of them to at least. Even sit next to each other while they're watching TV, so they're not alone. Um, but depending on their moods lately, sometimes they're just like, Get away from me. I don't want to share. 

Yeah. Hit or miss. 

Yeah. But anyway, speaking of when we,  we're trying to conceive these little angels. So how old were you when you and Dan were like, okay, we would love to start a family. 

So. I think we, I mean, we talked about it for years, before we got married, after we got married.  But didn't, like, seriously consider actually trying and going for it, I think, until...  28, I think 28.  28. 28. Yeah,  I think that sounds about right. 

I think... I was I'm going to say 26, but really like 27. Cause I didn't know what I was doing. Like us starting to try to conceive. at that point, I genuinely didn't even know that there was only like six days a month that you can get pregnant. I was just like, cool, cool, cool. I'm off my birth control. Uh, any day is fair game. I was like, all right, this will work out. It'll be great. But it wasn't until months later. I was like, oh, there's like a science to this. Did you know that? 

Um, it was weird. So obviously, when we started to try to have kids, The timing was around, like, the time that you had already gone through some shit. Yeah.

So,  prior to you going through stuff, Yeah, you know, I was oblivious and had all these things in my head, like, Oh, yeah, like, anybody can get pregnant, it's easy, like, no big deal, Basically, once you start trying, it's gonna happen. Yeah. But then, you went through everything that you went through, and, you know, we're close, so, Even getting educated from you on what's going on  

it was like a span of like three years before I guess you had Silas that I was like, trying, trying like real hard. And I honestly, I think I'm remembering back now. I probably scared you and all my friends being like, it's just impossible. It's never gonna happen. Like, because I remember having these conversations with some friends. And then like, two seconds later, they get pregnant. And I'm like, cool, cool. 

Like, honestly, you Okay, you did scare me. But I feel like it was a good scare. Because when we started trying, it was one of those things were like, This is probably going to take us two years, like, to do this regardless. So like, let's just do it and like, whatever happens.

So the very first month when we started trying, like I was in no way, I didn't even, I don't even think I was, tracking anything at that point. I was just like, let's just go for it. Go about our business, not even worry about it. Because I had this, you know, idea based off what you went through that this is just going to take forever.

Yeah. Yeah. So, of course, you know, when you're not thinking about it, Yeah. We conceived right away, the very first month of trying,  

Which truly, I think  there is something to be said about that because obviously it's not  Perfect science. Like, you know, people love to tell everyone like, Oh my gosh, just, just go on vacation with your husband. Than it'll happen. Like scientifically, that does not work for everybody. Like people have things going on, but I do think there's some truth to it. I mean, think about it. Like overall, your stress levels are lower. You don't have high expectations. You know,  down the road the only time, like, Yeah.

We did get pregnant naturally. We were not trying. We were very calm. It was just like, I was focused on my health and just like being mentally and physically happy. And so I don't know. I think there is something to be said about like, just, you know, what's the phrase? I always say, care less, make more. 

Yeah, no, I think it's 100 percent accurate. And now that We're going through, you know, we've been trying for number two for eight, nine months, but you know, been using the app, been using the ovulation test, been doing all the things. So if I'm doing an ovulation test, I'm tracking things. You betcha, I'm thinking about it all the time, and I am probably doing a disservice to myself,  in some ways, by doing that, because of, yeah, reflecting on the first time, granted, like, life was different, you know, when you have children, the stress level just automatically goes up. 

It's just like, naturally, you're more stressed and busy and all the things.

Right, right. So, like, this last month, I went away with the Avelation test, I didn't do anything, and, like, We just lived our life and didn't think about it. Not to say that's not going to work, but um, But hey. Trying something else, you know. 

And I'm sure it feels better just to like, take a break from  paying too much attention, you know. Yeah. Not too much paying attention, I should say. 

Yeah. And I think the, the stress now is more so that like, okay, they're already going to be, if it does happen for us, they're already going to be four plus years apart. So I'm trying not, I know there's like. Tons of benefits to having like an older older sibling.

Yeah. So it was really good. Dan actually sent me a couple  I think they were like tiktok videos, but People like oh when they say like, you know having a big age gap, between your kids is bad And then you see  this little tiny girl and her older brothers coming home from school and it's like the cutest interaction and it's like so much love. So that's been helping. 

Okay, I love seeing those videos too because yeah, with the baby we're expecting, you know, Noah, I think there'll be like almost four and a half years difference. So yeah, I think for anyone listening and maybe for you too, cause it's hard to get wrapped up in fertility math.

Don't do it. Fertility math, anyone listening? Fertility math is a little deflating because  we play that game all the time and Josh will start to like calculate how old he'll be. When like our kids are certain ages and I'm like, okay, but let's just not because everything is going to land where it lands. And then that's the life. It might not be the plan that was intended. But that's the thing. We all know this. That's the thing about plans. They don't go, it's a new dream, right? There are so many people out there who are like, okay, they say it's the perfect two to three years between every kid and we're just knock them out.

And that's just how it's going to work. It doesn't always work that way. And truthfully, like on the opposite side, I didn't really think that like with Noah doing that prosembrio transfer, I did not think that it would take right away. I thought we got lucky with Hunter. So I was like, okay, let's like, I don't want to do cycles back to back.

We have some wiggle room, you know, for them to be two years apart. And, um, you know, they're less than two years apart and that wasn't the plan either. And that was a little overwhelming, and now it worked out, I guess is my point. So I think it's cool   we're different moms, you know, with four years in between. So there's benefits to that as well. 

Yeah. And that's the positivity I'm trying to cling on to. Cause then I also, you know, I've gotten thoughts of like, damn it, we should have started trying like a year or two ago, but then I reflect on life and I wasn't ready. I was not ready to have, we, we were not ready, I think, if anything, you know.

It would have been bad because  we were stressed and we, it probably wouldn't have happened even if we were trying because, you know, of the anxiety levels and everything, like, in life. So yeah, it is what it is and  I don't think about the what if anymore because  I feel confident that we weren't ready, we weren't ready to do that.

No, I feel that 100 percent because I think about things too and while I wish a million things would have worked out in certain ways,  there's many times where I'm like, I, it's not until after the fact, I'm like, whoa, I don't even think I was not even like mentally healthy enough to even tackle that situation.

Um, obviously for either of us, like you would have figured it out and it would have been fine and whatever, but like in hindsight, knowing that you weren't like your best self or the best situation.  Yeah, I mean, I think the universe is going to do what it's going to do, but, I think that's solid advice for anyone listening.

Like if you didn't know, there's a six day window every month where you can get pregnant and that's due to ovulation and that sperm can live for like up to five days and   like you mentioned, ovulation tests and apps are very helpful. I remember like when it was just getting very daunting and it's like month after month and it's not happening and you're tracking and you're tracking.

I remember telling Josh, like, okay, we're just, let's just not worry about it, I'm not even gonna tell you,  I mean, sorry to throw him under the bus, but like, he's not the best with calendars anyway, so it's like, he doesn't know unless I tell him, like, this is the week, or whatever, so I'm like, you know what, I'm just not even gonna make it a thing, I'm just gonna keep it to myself, like,  I know what days it is, but I'm just not going to, and I'm Honestly, that worked for a while, but then it just felt like I was carrying the pressure by myself.

And so, I think you just gotta find what works for you and what feels good. If it feels good to be knowing everything and tracking that ovulation, then go for it. If it feels good to just, like, let it all go and just... See what works out. I think that works too. 

It's, it's funny you say that because I, I tried the same Mm-Hmm.

I had first like a sneak attack. . 

Yeah. At first it's like, uh, I wanna be on the same page and, you know,  let's share  these ovulation dates. So I would  every month I would screenshot Oh yeah. The calendar, the, the app, send it over. You know, so we don't talk about it, but we generally both know.

Yeah. I think that like, maybe that worked for like a second and then. I started using the ovulation test, and I, would casually, just show him. I would say nothing, but like, look, it's barely there. Yeah. And like, uh... Well, what do you know? But then, yeah, but then it just became, it just became pressure.

And then I decided not to show it, and then, would casually make comments for him to get the hint. And then I tried just me knowing and not saying anything. And that didn't work either because, exactly right, like, I just felt like I had all the weight and then I was more stressed because, like, I knew  I needed to make it happen during this time, but, like, I don't want to force anything, so.

Well, and then  if it doesn't happen,  I just remember being, like, pissed, because especially, like, when Josh has always traveled for work, and I'm like, I almost had to let, like, it was too, I, even though there's six days in a window, depending on life and what's going on, like,   in work, and, like, you might only have, Two days in that window where you're even around each other, I mean, life gets super busy, especially after, you already have kids, and so yeah, then I was like,  there goes another month and then I'd be mad at him, even though he didn't know what was going on. Yeah. It's a whole thing. 

That's what I'm struggling with now is that like, I already. Get really testy,  like, right before I'm  gonna get my period, but it's now, it's now escalated because I literally hate, and I know you know this, like, I literally hate that time of the month because, you know, you're just waiting, and every month now, I just assume I'm gonna get it, nothing works.

But it's just like, as much as I want to not care, I still am affected the same every month when I get my period. 

I think that's just totally natural. Like, we can tell ourselves whatever we want, but like, Right. In your core, that, like, you know what you want, and it's just, it's so deflating when, every month.

Like clockwork, when it, when that's happening. But I think  it's good to mention that like, I didn't ever felt this way when we were trying to conceive and I think a lot of people like to keep this hush hush  but I think it's totally okay to like, reach out to a friend or  A sister or someone to like tell them that you're trying, you know, cause when it's not happening, not that they can do anything

to help you, but like, just to have someone to  vent to, so it's not just you and your husband constantly talking about this, just to like, let it know, like, look, we've been trying.  It's not working out. It's so stressful. Like, you don't have to go into details of your personal life, but you know, just to like some, someone else's Um, I think that's helpful because a lot of women are afraid to do that, like it doesn't have to be this big secret  that you're trying and it shouldn't be any more pressure because everyone has their own stories and path to getting pregnant and all that good stuff.

I 100 percent agree with that. And I think there's also benefits not saying that you need to like announce it to the word like I'm trying. Yeah. Um, however, Everybody has these people in their life, and you gotta love them, but, you know, whether it be friends, I would say more family, but they are constantly asking, like, Oh, Silas wants, wants a sibling.

So when, when is Silas going to sibling? Silas, do you want a sibling? Do you want a brother? Do you want a sister? And it's like, I finally got to the point where like those individuals, I just went out of my way. I'm like, Hey, you know what? We actually have been trying. So you can just stop now. Yeah. 

And I think that's just like good to mention in general. Like I don't, I don't, it always comes from a good place, right? Everyone's just like super excited and wants you to have more kids and whatever, but like for anyone, I just think people aren't. I don't know, either they're not thinking or they just haven't experienced, uh, the struggle of trying to conceive, I guess, but  a good rule to practice, I feel like for everyone is like, just don't ask, don't make comments like that because you just never know someone could have been like you've been trying for months or maybe someone doesn't want another sibling and they don't want to be for that or for all you know, like, They could have had losses along the way when trying, and it's like you never know what people have been through, so nobody needs the extra stress.

Yeah, I am confident though that the people that do ask those questions, say those things, again, they mean no harm. Of course. It's just, it's all love, but you're, you're spot on. Yeah. They are likely people that have not experienced anything different than it just being super easy. Yeah, yeah. So. 

For sure. Yeah, so like you said, I think it all comes from a good  place, but true. I, I think most people saying it just haven't been in these shoes before, which is okay. But for those people that have,  I hope you got a little something out of Megan sharing her experiences of trying to conceive.

 I always love having you on the podcast and, of course we're sisters. So staying connected with all this momming stuff is just super helpful. So thanks again for. Thank you for having me and I look forward to next time.

Thanks for tuning into today's episode. I hope you found some value in it. I know myself, I always love hearing from other women and hearing their stories, just so I know that I'm not alone. So hopefully you feel the same way. And if you are trying to conceive and it just hasn't happened for you yet, hang in there.

As you heard, sometimes it happens right away, the first month of trying. Other times, it can take 6 months, 9 months.

For healthy couples, it can even take up to a year to get pregnant. Every month, you have a 20 percent chance of trying to conceive. So, sometimes it just takes a little bit longer. However, if you're over 35 or sense that, like, you just have a feeling that something's off, don't be afraid to go talk to your doctor.

You don't have to wait till one year of trying to conceive. Just... Go with your gut and talk to your doctor. If you're over 35, I would suggest waiting no longer than six months before investigating a little bit further.

So whether you are trying for your first baby, your second, your third, I know waiting is hard month after month, getting your period, still not seeing that positive test can really take a toll on someone. So I'm going to give you a few tips to kind of get you through this season of life.

as you heard, things like ovulation predictor kits and taking your temperature and maybe using an app to keep track of your period, things like that can be very helpful in speeding up the process.  The more you know, right? At the same time, I totally understand that I can add like a new layer of stress, especially with your partner.

When you're like telling them, okay, we've got this window look alive.  You just got to kind of feel out what works for you. Sometimes caring less will feel better, you know, just leaving it up to chance,  knowing that the opportunity is on the table, but it's not super calculated.

Maybe that'll work better for you. Maybe more information makes you feel better. So I don't know, you've got to find the sweet spot,

but I also just wanted to remind you that, there's a power in the pause. So what I mean by that is don't be afraid to just like take a month off. Think of other things other than trying to have a baby. When you are trying month after month and still getting negative pregnancy tests, it can definitely take a toll on your relationship.

Instead, take the month, really focus on your partner, plan a date night,  maybe do a staycation, just something to focus on not conceiving. I promise you it'll help you in the long haul, not necessary to get pregnant because there's science involved in that, but I promise you with your mental health in this whole process, it will help and take it from my experience.

You don't want to look back on your journey to baby as one filled with stress and concern and worry and frustration. You know, even if it takes longer. Even if it doesn't go as  planned  you want it to be something that is joyful and exciting and It's an important thing that you're doing with your partner to create your family.

So Don't be afraid to take a step back  and pause for one month that being said, you know, the holiday season is coming up. So I'm just going to leave you with  three tips to kind of get you through the end of the year. If you have been trying to conceive for a while, I would take this time to kind of reevaluate your communication strategies, meaning does everybody know that you're trying to have a baby?

Have you told friends and family and now all of a sudden you feel like you're sharing too much and feeling overwhelmed? Or are you not sharing enough? Does nobody know that you have been trying and trying for months to get pregnant and you feel alone? Utilize this like pre holiday season time for you and your partner to kind of set new ground rules for family and friends who are like in the know.

Because going into the holidays, you're probably going to be seeing a lot of friends and family. And it can be incredibly tricky time for couples who are trying to conceive or even dealing with infertility. You've gone from fielding various forms of, Oh, when are you having kids? When are you having kids?

questions to, Maybe now, you know, you're getting unsolicited advice about your infertility. Just have a game plan. Make sure to relay your wishes or even take a pass on holiday traditions this year. Whatever is going to keep your stress at bay and whatever feels good to you, just don't be afraid to do that.

And then lastly, rounding out the year in December, this is just my tip. It's just my opinion, but I would take some time to kind of like step out of your normal holiday routine and step out of the trying to conceive cycle and maybe consider volunteering or like giving to others. It is super easy to feel weighed down by  trying to start your family or even dealing with infertility, if you've been at this for a while, um, but kind of stepping back and giving to others can really help you gain a better, broader perspective about the world at large.

And I promise you, when you do this, it'll just put things into perspective. And a lot of times we just need to step back and kind of refocus our goals and. a lot of times that helps us have like a better plan for the future. And if you're like me, January is like my type a celebration of goals and planning and just, you know, reevaluating everything.

So that being said, I have a link for you in the show notes to a free roadmap for your fertility success. It is a month by month guide. That's kind of going to outline the year ahead for you in ways to take steps for your fertility. If you've been trying for a while, so click the link in the show notes.

It is totally free, and hopefully it'll  help you, have a little bit of a roadmap to get you through the year if starting your family or growing your family is on the docket for you.

Speaking of the end of the year,  there are only four episodes left. Of season two of the Motherhood Intended podcast, that's right, four episodes. We've got the next three weeks of new episodes. I'm going to take a week off for Thanksgiving break and then end November with the end of season two.

We'll be off December and then season three will kick off on January 11th. So, get excited.  While new episodes might not be airing I promise you there is so much going on behind the scenes. Like I am a one woman show at this point, but the new year is about to bring some exciting stuff. So I can't wait for all the things I have planned for all of you.

Awesome guests, virtual parties, resources a course. So many things are in the works, you guys. I have been working really hard and I'm super excited for all of this to kind of blossom in the new year. 

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but we are approaching a whole year of this podcast. And I am so, so proud to have brought all these episodes to you. And I thank you so much for being here week after week and listening to the show. It means a lot.

That being said, like I mentioned, I am a one woman Joe, at least for this year, you know, next year I have. So many big plans for the podcast and our community, and I only hope that I can grow it for all of you.

So there is no obligation whatsoever,  but if you love the podcast and would be happy to support the show, click the link in the show notes and feel free to give whatever amount is appropriate to you to support the production of this show,

To be totally transparent, any money that supports the podcast goes towards the programs  the show, the equipment, um, all of the tech pieces, hiring an editor, , hiring an assistant, hopefully in the new year. Paying for  childcare so I can create this show and so much more.

So if you want more from the podcast in the new year, consider clicking the link in the show notes and supporting me and supporting the production of this show.

 Supporters of the podcast will get a shout out on the show and you could even take this opportunity as a way to support a fellow friend through their infertility, make a donation in their name, send some words of wisdom. I will not use last name. So use first names and I'm happy to give your friend a shout out. You know, we all need encouragement through infertility and motherhood.

So if you have a friend that's having a hard week or is really getting put through the ringer with their fertility, consider supporting the show and I would be so happy to read some words of encouragement on the podcast.

Okay, last but not least, if you like this episode, be sure to leave a review. On Apple Podcasts, you can actually write a review. I know on Spotify, you just kind of like hit the star rating. But if you're listening on Apple or another podcast app that allows you to write a review, I would love suggestions for future guests.

In the next season, I'm really going to be bringing it back to personal experiences and having other women share their journeys on the show and then we'll sprinkle in some experts.  But I really miss that component of talking to other moms and talking to other women, about their experiences and how they've navigated infertility and the different things that motherhood throws our way.

So if you have a specific topic in mind, I've already received some, which is awesome. Send it my way. You can write it in the review. You can send me a DM on Instagram at motherhood underscore intended. Send me an email if that's easier for you. Hello at motherhood intended dot com. And of course, you can also find me in our Facebook group.

Motherhood Intended Community on Facebook. All the links are in the show notes. I hope you have a really fun Halloween weekend. I know some people celebrate more than others. My family and I are dressing up as Ninja Turtles and going trick or treating. Until next week, have a great weekend and I will talk to you then.

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